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Deploying in a Docker container

The DataCap project provides the qianmoq/datacap Docker image that includes the DataCap server and a default configuration. The Docker image is published to Docker Hub and can be used with the Docker runtime, among several others.

Running the container

To run DataCap in Docker, you must have the Docker engine installed on your machine. You can download Docker from the Docker website, or use the packaging system of your operating systems.

Use the docker command to create a container from the qianmoq/datacap image. Assign it the datacap name, to make it easier to reference it later. Run it in the background, and map the default DataCap port, which is 9096, from inside the container to port 9096 on your workstation.

docker run -d -p 9909:9096 --name datacap qianmoq/datacap

Without specifying the container image tag, it defaults to latest, but a number of any released DataCap version can be used, for example qianmoq/datacap:1.17.0.


If it is a new version, H2 database is no longer supported, and you need to hang it in the external MySQL configuration, and the service startup method can be modified to:

docker run -d -p 9096:9096 -v /root/ --name datacap qianmoq/datacap

Assuming your configuration file is in /root/, please specify an absolute path if you need other paths.

Run docker ps to see all the containers running in the background.

-> % docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                    COMMAND               CREATED      STATUS          PORTS                    NAMES
2096fba19e2a   datacap:latest           "sh ./bin/"   5 days ago   Up 14 seconds>9096/tcp   datacap

Cleaning up

You can stop and start the container, using the docker stop datacap and docker start datacap commands. To fully remove the stopped container, run docker rm datacap.
