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DataCap released!

Release version Release time
2024.03.3 2024-04-19


  • [User] Support upload avatar
  • [Source] Remove v1 saveAndUpdate, getInfo fc
  • [Source] Replace getSource fc
  • [Source] Add code and name column
  • [Source] Refactor metadata layout
  • [Source] Add database info to metadata
  • [Function] Fix error when converting undefined attribute in info
  • [Query] Remove old api
  • [Query] Fixed history data is null
  • [Snippet] Adapter base module
  • [Pipeline] Adapter base module
  • [Dashboard] Optimize the way to obtain the dashboard
  • [Dashboard] Add description
  • [Dashboard] Add default image
  • Remove schema to configure
  • Enable unified BaseEntity, BaseRepository, BaseController, BaseService
  • Support saveOrUpdate method to set related values based on attributes
  • Add info by code permission


  • [Layout] Optimize menu selection and highlight display
  • [Layout] Support parent menu selection highlighting display
  • [Layout] Add callback to 404 page
  • [Layout] Add redirect to 403 page
  • [Layout] Add redirect to network page
  • [User] Fix loading status
  • Add page loading progress
  • Remove echarts
  • Merge i18n


  • Fix the problem of missing columns in data set construction
  • Fixed info path
  • Optimize query column transmission data problem that is too large
  • Add permission to get columns
  • Highlight indicator dimension container
  • Replace id to code


  • [Line] Add title to line
  • Remove unused component
  • Merge configuration into editor
  • Fix the problem that the configuration is not echoed
  • Remove unused configure component
  • Disable visualization without querying
  • Add scatter chart
  • Add radar chart
  • Add funnel chart
  • Add gauge chart


  • Replace schema path
  • Repair docker compose image and change example address

Last update: May 19, 2024
Created: February 15, 2023
