Apache Doris

What is Doris ?
An easy-to-use, high-performance and unified analytical database
!!! note
If you need to use this data source, you need to upgrade the DataCap service to >= `1.9.x`
Support Time: 2023-04-19

!!! note
If your Doris service version requires other special configurations, please refer to modifying the configuration file and restarting the DataCap service.
=== "Configure"
| Field  |             Required              | Default Value |
| `Name` | :check{20,#3CA34F}:  |       -       |
| `Host` | :check{20,#3CA34F}: |  ``  |
| `Port` | :check{20,#3CA34F}: |     `9093`    |
=== "Authorization"
|   Field    |        Required         | Default Value |
| `Username` | :x{20,#ff0000}: |       -       |
| `Password` | :x{20,#ff0000}: |       -       |
=== "Advanced"
|   Field    |        Required         | Default Value |
| `Database` | :x{20,#ff0000}: |       -       |
Version (Validation)

!!! warning
The online service has not been tested yet, if you have detailed test results, please submit [issues](https://github.com/EdurtIO/datacap/issues/new/choose) to us
提交于 2025年2月28日 00:21
修改于 2025年2月28日 00:21